Travel Tips

6 Reasons to Try Something New on Vacation

The Vacationeer
Man surfing wave

The same vacation spot. The same restaurants. The same beach.

Familiarity can be a great thing. After all, we choose to return to the places we love most. But doing the same things on vacation year after year can start to make your time away from home feel routine.

Let's not forget why travel is important: it rejuvenates us, gives us something to look forward to and creates memories to cherish forever. If you're getting anything less than that, it might be time to change up your itinerary and find new ways to vacation.

Different can be scary. But there’s a payoff for stepping out of your comfort zone. Here are six reasons to find new things to do on vacation:

1. Become More Open-Minded 

One of the amazing things about travel is how it exposes you to new people, cultures, foods and experiences. With each destination you can gain a new perspective on your life and the world around you.

Take the time to meet new people and explore places you’ve never been. You could learn something about yourself.

2. Find New Passions

Don't let "I've never done that before" become an excuse that keeps you from trying something new. A new activity you try on vacation could become your favorite hobby when you get back home.

If your new hobby is destination specific, coming back on future vacations will be that much sweeter. Grab a surfboard if you don’t have big waves back home. Hit the ski slopes if your hometown lacks mountains or snow. You never know when you’ll fall in love with a new activity.

3. Overcome Fear

It's normal to be afraid of something you’ve never done before. But vacation is the perfect time to grow and overcome it.


Become more confident by trying activities you've been avoiding. Afraid of heights? Maybe it's time to finally conquer that zipline. You may surprise yourself with how comfortable you are. And you won't miss out on making new memories.



4. Boost Brainpower

Travel is more than fun and games; the rush of doing something spontaneous can increase your cognitive function and primes your brain for learning.
Take advantage of what your destination has to offer and keep your mind sharp for when the post-vacation blues hit. Your mental health and awareness will stay at the top of their game the more engaged you are during your trip.

5. Spark Creativity


When you're new at something, it’s okay to make mistakes. Any sort of challenge will cause you to think harder and put your problem-solving skills to use.

Practice critical thinking and take what you've learned back to your workplace, or even better, on your next vacation.


6. Stay Motivated


New experiences release dopamine, encouraging us to keep stepping out. This brain chemical is associated with pleasure and rewards – the ultimate payoff for thrill seekers.

Chase that feeling and motivate yourself to make the most of each day. One new activity could keep the endorphins running and make for an exciting rest of your stay.


Your Next Vacation Adventure 


Not sure where to start? Hilton Grand Vacations gives you the freedom to stay at any one of our renowned vacation destinations

Own a slice of comfort, and a launching pad for new experiences, through our worldwide resorts. To start your journey, fill out our online contact form or give us a call at 800-230-7068 today.


The Vacationeer

The Vacationeer is a collective of Hilton Grand Vacations storytellers whose goal is to inspire travelers to go further. We're always on the lookout for new destinations to explore, useful travel tips, and unique ideas to help you plan the most memorable vacations possible.

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